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Exterior of North Lake Community Library, where North Lake Early College High School is located

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Making college a reality

We are expanding college opportunities for students thanks to an exciting partnership with North Lake College.

Tour & Open House Information

We invite you to come visit our amazing campus and learn why every day is a great day to be a North Lake ECHS Blazer!


North Lake ECHS Quarter 2 Math News

The Math knowledge our students have harvested during the fall semester is unbe-leaf-able! Read all about how you can help your student multiply their mathematical skills!


Bold Award: Mrs. Locker

Mrs. Locker has left an indelible impact on our campus since our beginning!

Bold Award Winner: Mr. Matney

We're thankful for how our ASP Advisor Mr. Matney fearlessly advocates for our students!


Upcoming events

On the Horizon

recent highlights

news from our community

eager to learn and driven to excel
